HELP! URGENT: Day 19 w/low humidity - KEBONNIXS
Hi all! This is my first time hatching eggs. So far the two Kebonnix incubators I bought seem to be working great. Yesterday I started lockdown and took out the egg turning unit and trying to increase humidity. The highest I seem to be able to get it up to is 64% but, it hovers closer to 57-61%. I raised my indoor temperature to 78F and put a large laundry basket with the holes over the top of the incubators and then put a towel over the top of the basket, leaving a few holes along the front, bottom exposed. This gets me the highest humidity at 64%. Any other tips to get the humidity levels up? I've filled it passed the fill line -- which it states to do during lockdown.
I was re-reading the manual (which is VERY POORLY written!) and noticed there are two very small, dark, blurry images showing something about vents on the unit. It says the vent should be fully open during lockdown. I cannot tell from these terrible photos where the vents are located and I have looked the whole unit over. Can anyone tell me? Better yet, show me with a better photo on your unit????
I was re-reading the manual (which is VERY POORLY written!) and noticed there are two very small, dark, blurry images showing something about vents on the unit. It says the vent should be fully open during lockdown. I cannot tell from these terrible photos where the vents are located and I have looked the whole unit over. Can anyone tell me? Better yet, show me with a better photo on your unit????