Well this is going to be fun!

Hey! Found a small tiny cream egg in the run a few hours ago! It was warm, so I wondered if it was laid by one of my chickens as a false egg (you know, a little blip in their system). I have no incubator. Just a heat lamp. Should I try this? Yes. I surfed the web and found some great ideas. So now, a tiny little egg is sitting in a damp warm sock with a heat lamp overhead. I have no thermometer or anything. This is just total luck :fl. What if it hatches?! Oh my...this is going to be fun. What if it doesn't...such an embarrassment. No pics yet, if I can I'll get some. Small, cream egg, 2 cm. I will definitely give you guys updates on what happens. I'm kinda both nervous and excited! After 4 days I'll check for signs of life. Then I'll wait a few more days and decide if it is going to go ahead or not. What do the eggperts think :p? What should I do? Any tips? Or are you hear for the joy of seeing what happens?:D

I'll try to get pics and keep you all posted!:frow

Laura (looking down from her desk to see a sweet little egg sitting under warmth). 😍
